
Pycharm edu
Pycharm edu

  1. Pycharm edu full#
  2. Pycharm edu code#
  3. Pycharm edu series#

Python console with variable values display.Useful for developing bigger python projects later Check the task which assesses how well they have done by running testsĪdvantages of using P圜harm Edu over web python tutorials or text editors:.Run the program with output going to a local window (ctrl-shift-F10).View the answers (after which they must reset the task).

pycharm edu

Reset the task to undo all their changes.While attempting a task they can do the following actions: They shouldn’t need to type outside these rectangles, although they can if they want to embellish the program. These are the answer placeholders that the ninja needs to replace to solve the task.

Pycharm edu code#

In the diagram below notice the sections of code with thin rectangles around them. The ninja can see the code for the current task and a task description describing what they have to do.

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The console has a sub-window showing variables created in the console and their values, great for teaching how variables work. As a teaching aid one of the most useful features is the console where ninjas can test individual python statements.

Pycharm edu full#

When the ninja (student) is running the course they have access to a full python IDE, including command completion and debugging. Effect of program – eg results in Minetest world.Partial match – when only start of string or end of string important.Exact match – when a string value or number value had to be exact.The types of tests I used to check for correct answers were Your formula: " + ninja_answer)Ĭorrect = eval(correct_answer, global_data, data)įailed("Incorrect answer for data " + str(data) + ". Guess = eval(ninja_answer, global_data, data)įailed("NameError: should only be in terms of variables " + ",".join(data.keys()) + " but includes other variables. I solved this problem by using the python eval() or exec() to test the value of functions or the effect of statements rather than compare the exact characters typed to the answer.įor example, here is how I used eval() to test for where the correct formula should be (x+y). For example, if the correct answer was “x+y” then I should also accept “y+x” or “y + x”. The tests needed to check for all possible correct answers. The tasks have to provide enough information for the ninja to understand what needed to be done, but not enough that the answer was trivial. Each answer placeholder has hints to help solve it, some text which needs to be replaced by the ninja and even the correct answer.

Pycharm edu series#

A task has a task description to explain to the ninjas what to do, and a series of tests to determine when they had completed the task. Each task is a python program with sections left out to be completed by ninjas (answer placeholders). To create a course, I created a series of tasks. P圜harm Edu is cross platform, running on Linux, Mac and Windows.Īt CoderDojo I am mentoring ninjas in coding python so I thought I would try P圜harm Edu. It also enables teachers to create those courses. P圜harm Edu is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for python which has the additional ability to run courses for learning python programming.

Pycharm edu