This is apparently how he fought before using the sword and shield, having been trained by Setsuka whilst living in Istanbul, prior to SCV. Iaijutsu Practitioner: As Alpha Patroklos, oddly.Needless to say, he doesn't take the triple-whammy well. This comes within literal minutes of him discovering Dumas is actually Nightmare in disguise, and that his sister actually IS malfested. Heroic BSOD: He gets a HUGE one after realizing that all of those people Dumas had him kill were actually innocent people, NOT malfested.Gratuitous Japanese: Alpha Patroklos will say certain moves in Japanese, probably as a side effect of the below.Patrollklos or a variation thereof because of his Trash Talk after he wins, along with the trollfaces he makes in his winposes.Fan Nickname: Alpha Patroklos = Patsuka.And, as their story progresses, both possess the determination to save someone important to them: Nia Teppelin to Simon, Pyrrha Alexandra to Patroklos. Both have a mentor that changed them - Kamina and Setsuka, respectively. Patroklos was a Knight Templar who see Malfested as scums until he loses it when Pyrrha herself is a Malfested. Simon started out wimpy and unable to believe in himself until Kamina comes to encourage him even further until his death. Simon: Both of their Character Development, defines their maturity even further.Cecil: Both knights who wear all white, kills innocent people under a corrupt king, have a character arc as The Atoner.The fact he's voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, he's to both Cecil Harvey and Simon the Digger:.He then goes on to suffer a My God, What Have I Done? reaction from his actions in the story, is manipulated by one of the soul swords, and eventually wisens up and seeks atonement, haunted by his callous deeds in the past. In-story, Pat starts out as cocky and self-righteous.Expy: Alpha Patroklos has inherited Setsuka's fighting style.
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